What Is Colorado Regulation 8?


If asbestos is suspected – during renovation or following a flood or fire – Paragon Environmental will have that area tested before removing any materials. Demolition proceeds only after all materials are tested. This is the standard required by law in the state of Colorado.

Colorado Regulation 8 includes important information that you, and your contractor, should know. Here are some questions and answers with respect to some of the most critical information contained within the regulation.

  1. Are you remodeling, renovating or demolishing? You must have your project inspected for ACM (asbestos-containing materials).
  2. Is it dangerous and illegal to improperly disturb ACM? Asbestos can be found in many common building materials. A certified asbestos building inspector can determine which materials contain asbestos and which are regulated.
  3. What is the general rule regarding asbestos testing for renovation projects? In summary, no matter the age of the home or business undergoing renovation, it must be tested for asbestos. The ONLY exception, which by the way is extremely rare, is when the “building was built after October 12, 1988 AND the architect or engineer who built it signs and submits documentation showing that no asbestos materials were specified or used in the construction of the building.” Please select the links above to learn more about the law.
  4. What is the general rule regarding asbestos testing for demolition projects? In summary, “the building or area of the building to be demolished must be inspected for asbestos by a Colorado-certified asbestos inspector.”

More information from the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment can be found at:



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